• More than 5 minutes have passed since the function
When the discharge temperature (Tho-D) indicates an
unusually high temperature during operation, the speed
decreases to cool it down.
Speed control of the compressor:
• When the temperature is greater than 105 °C, the
speed is reduced by 4 rps/minute
• When the temperature is between 100 and 105 °C,
no speed changes occur.
• When the temperature is below 100 °C, the function
Stop with automatic reset:
• The compressor stops when the temperature is
115 °C, and restarts when the temperature is below
85 °C
Stop with manual reset:
• If the above occurs twice within 60 minutes, or the
temperature is above 115 °C for 60 minutes, the
compressor stops with error code E36 (Error code
only applies to ACVM270)
• Resetting can occur 45 minutes after the temperature
has dropped below 85 °C.
Heating operation:
AMS 10-6
The speed of the compressor is decreased by 4 rps
every 10 seconds when the liquid line sensor (BT15) or
condensing temperature (BP4) is 63 °C or by 8 rps at
65 °C, at the same time as the high pressure switch is
deployed. Every time the high pressure switch is de-
ployed, the cut-out point for the pressure switch is de-
creased by 1 °C to 60 °C.
AMS 10-8:
The speed of the compressor decreases by 4 rps every
10 seconds when the liquid line sensor (BT15) or con-
densing temperature (BP4) is 63 °C, at the same time
as the high pressure switch is deployed. Every time the
high pressure switch is deployed, the cut-out point for
the pressure switch is decreased by 1 °C to 60 °C.
AMS 10-12/-16:
The speed of the compressor decreases by 4 rps every
30 seconds when the liquid line sensor (BT15) or con-
densing temperature (BP4) is 60 °C, at the same time
as the high pressure switch is deployed.
Chapter 4 | Description of functions