Patient Information
How to clean and maintain your white noise generator (WNG)
than the tinnitus. You might feel strongly towards your tinnitus- you might
hate it or you wish it would go away, find it frustrating etc. White noise is a
constant sound which doesn’t vary in pitch or intensity and does not have
the same label and therefore is a more soothing noise. Wearing the WNG
provides a sound without meaning or significance.
The controls on the WNG and general maintenance
Your WNG takes orange hearing aid (size 13) batteries and will only fit
into the device one way. The compartment can only be opened from the
bottom of the device and closed once the battery is inserted.
More batteries can be collected from the Centre for Hearing and
Balance Disorders or by phoning the department and we can post some
out for you. Please contact the Centre for Hearing and Balance
Disorders on 024 7696 6444.