Patient Information
Centre for hearing and balance disorders
How to clean and maintain your White
Noise Generator (WNG)
You have been given a White Noise Generator (WNG). The WNG is a
device worn over the ear with a thin tube going into the ear which plays
white noise. White noise is a random flat noise and sounds just like a radio
when out of tune. It can be used to ease the symptoms of tinnitus.
Using the WNG
The WNG should ideally be used in both ears (even if the tinnitus is not),
and should be used at a very low level. It is important that the generator is
not used to mask or block out the tinnitus as this will not help you to
habituate. Having the generator at this level allows the brain to be
distracted from the tinnitus, by hearing the rushing and the tinnitus
together. Part of the problem of tinnitus is the attention the brain pays to
sounds within the head. A WNG can help the brain to tune the sound out.
It may take several months before you begin to gain benefit from your
WNG so don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t help you immediately.
The sound of the white noise is more soothing and pleasant to listen to