repeated. So if you have packed your boat for the vacation, think about
where you place ferrous items in relation to the compass transducer.
5.5.1 C0, Return [RET]
To return to previous mode, press
when the text [RET] is dis-
5.5.2 C1, Magnetic heading [MAG]
Possible settings are [OFF] and [On]. Default setting is [OFF].
[On] = All headings will be magnetic.
[OFF] = All headings will be true, i.e. corrected for local variation set in
C2, Local variation [VAR]. This is local setting.
5.5.3 C2, Local magnetic variation [VAR]
Possible settings are [+/-00.0°-99.9°]. Default setting is [00.0
Easterly variation = underlining ( _ ) sign.
Westerly variation = minus ( - ) sign.
The local magnetic variation is usually printed in the sea chart.
5.5.4 C3, Auto-deviation [Auto DEV]
This function is used to automatically correct the deviation of your
Take the boat into a slow turn, in calm sea and away from other boats
or obstructions. There is no need to perform a perfect circle.
When steady, select C3 [Auto DEV] and press
to start. The pres-
ent "uncorrected" compass heading is displayed and the compass auto-
deviation is in progress. Turn the boat in a 1 ¼ circle, and when ready
If successful, the text [CAL C3] [Auto DEV] will be displayed.
If not, an error messages can be displayed:
[Err 15]: Make sure an Autopilot function is not activated and carry
out the auto-deviation procedure again.
[Err 16]: Auto-Deviation is not possible, because a NMEA compass
is selected as compass for the Nexus Network.
[Err 17]: The 1 ¼ turn was not performed or the compass is affected
by strong magnetic distortion.
You may interrupt the auto-deviation procedure at any time by pressing
To check the auto-deviation, carry out the auto-deviation check routine.