Copyright © 2013 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
NCr-301-VHR User Manual
Chapter 2: Camera Configuration
This section configures the SMTP mail server address that the camera will
use for sending emails.
SMTP Server
Mail Server
Specify the host name or IP address of the SMTP mail server.
Port Number
Specify the port number of the SMTP mail server.
Login Information
Specify the login username for the SMTP mail server.
Specify the login password for the SMTP mail server.
Email Address From
Specify the email address of the sender.
To Mail Address List
Mail Address
Specify the email address to send the email when an event is triggered by
motion detection. Press the
Mail Test
button to test the connection to this
Save button to apply the configurations, click on this button once all the
settings are confirmed for the new changes to take effect.
Reset button to discard all the settings applied.