The Nexalin ADI System
The Nexalin ADI System includes the following components:
(1)Nexalin ADI Device
(1)Nexalin Patient Cable with 3 attached electrode clips
(2) Mastoid Electrodes
(1) Forehead Electrode
(1)Nexalin Power Cord
(1)Nexalin ADI Operating Instructions (not shown)
Figure 1. Nexalin ADI Device and components
Nexalin Electrodes
Each Nexalin ADI Therapy session or continual sessions will require one Nexalin Electrode Set which
consists of one forehead electrode (large) and two mastoid electrodes (small). Occasionally a second
set of Nexalin Electrodes may be needed for multiple consecutive treatments. The Nexalin Electrodes
are designed as single-use and should not be reused once they have been removed from the patient’s
head for any reason. All Nexalin Electrodes must be stored in a temperature-controlled environment
and out of direct sunlight.
The Nexalin Electrodes are specifically designed to be compatible with the Nexalin ADI System. To
ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Nexalin ADI Therapy, use only Nexalin Electrodes approved
by the manufacturer.
Nexalin ADI Device Setup
Ground Stud
Fuse Compartment
Power Connection
Ethernet Port
Figure 2. Back panel of a Nexalin ADI Device showing the ground stud,
fuse compartment, power connection, and ethernet port.
Nexalin ADI Device Setup
1. Place the Nexalin ADI Device on a flat, secure surface.
2. Make sure the device is switched OFF. Attach one end of the power cord to the back of the Nexalin
ADI Device. Plug the opposite end of the power cord into a universal power supply (if available) or
into another power source (an isolated-ground receptacle is preferred).