vacuuming it with a soft brush attachment or wiping it down with a dry, dust-free cloth, but only when
the stove is not in use & cold.
If the stove is used too vigorously, the painted surface may assume a grey tinge over time, but the
stove can easily be freshened up with heat resistant spray paint but only when the stove is not in use
and cold, refer to manufacturer‟s instructions, which is available from your local retailer.
3.3.3 Gaskets
The gaskets in the door will wear out over time, and should be replaced as required in order to prevent
runaway combustion. Seek advise from a qualified stove engineer.
3.4 Operational problems – troubleshooting
Seek advice from a qualified chimney & stove specialist.
Probable causes
Fire difficult to
Fire goes out
Wood green, too
damp or poor
Logs are too big.
Air starvation.
Use the
recommended fuel.
To light the fire, use
small, very dry
twigs. To maintain
the fire, use split
Open lower spin
wheel and top air
control lever.
Check that the flue is
not obstructed,
sweep it if necessary
Fire burns too
Too much draught.
Excessive draw.
Poor quality wood.
Ensure that the lower
spin wheel is closed
Partially close the
top air control lever.
Install a draught
stabilizer. Consult
your Dealer.
Do not continuously
burn small wood,
sticks, bundles,
carpentry off cuts
(plywood, pallets),