Proprietary to NeWave® Sensor Solutions 1.0
How the Wave™ Antenna Works:
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NeWave has developed a patented Wave Antenna that is uniquely designed
for superior RFID performance and provides a novel UHF zone-based coverage
that brings a cost effective high performing item-level solution to the RFID
This one-of-a-kind Wave Antenna coupled with our unique smart reader
technology will significantly lower costs yet capture more data in a more
accurate manor. This technology greatly reduces labor and equipment costs.
The Wave Antenna creates
beams in elevation that completely surround
the antenna about its long axis. Because of this unique feature it can cover
zones front and back of the antenna
The Wave Antenna embodies a radically new concept in RFID antenna design.
Unlike a traditional multipurpose patch antenna that radiates a single beam in
a given direction, the Wave antenna is designed to uniformly illuminate a
volume of space.
Installing the antenna in pairs enables the antennas to complement each other
and provide spatial, direction-of-arrival, and polarization diversities
throughout the volume in order to eliminate fading, which is a major factor
leading to poor RFID read performance.
Wave Antennas are uniquely designed to cover all three tag orientations
within a user defined zone that can be varied from 2x2x2 to a 10x10x10.