Shanghai New Rock Technologies Inc. Page51/75
Sending DTMF
This parameter sets the off time (ms) of DTMF signal sent from FXO
port. The default value is 100 ms. Generally, the interval time should be
set in the range of 80 ~ 150 ms.
DTMF detection
Minimum duration time of effective DTMF signal. Its effective range is
32-96 ms and the default value is 48 ms. The greater the value is set, the
more stringent the detection is.
Call restriction
White list
This parameter is used for setting a trunk number or prefix always
allowed to call, such as emergency number (110), and even extensions
without permission to call a trunk can call this number (number range). It
is generally used to set emergency numbers such as 110|119|120.
Black list
This parameter is used for setting a trunk number or prefix prohibited to
call, such as charge number range (900), and even extensions with
permission to make international calls cannot call this number range. It is
generally used to set numbers prohibited to call in any case. Examples:
Prefix for long
distance call
This parameter is used for setting a trunk number or prefix prohibited to
call domestically, and even extensions with permission to make domestic
calls cannot call this number range. The default value is 00, indicating
numbers starting with 00 are prohibited to call.
This parameter is used for setting a trunk number or prefix prohibited to
call internationally, and even extensions with permission to make
international calls cannot call this number range. The default value is null
but can be set to codes of some countries, indicating numbers in these
countries are prohibited to call.
After login, click the label of “Advanced >Media” to open this interface.