Breathing Air Precaution
New Holland Air Compressors are not designed, intended or approved
for breathing air. Compressed air should not be used for breathing air
applications unless treated in accordance with all applicable codes and
Receipt and Inspection
Before signing the delivery receipt, inspect for damage and missing parts.
If damage or missing parts are apparent, make the appropriate notation
on the delivery receipt, then sign the receipt. Immediately contact the
carrier for an inspection. All material must be held in the receiving location
for the carrier’s inspection. Delivery receipts that have been signed with-
out a notation of damage or missing parts are considered to be delivered
“clear.” Subsequent claims are then considered to be concealed damage
claims. Settle damage claims directly with the transportation company.
If you discover damage after receiving the air compressor (concealed
damage), the carrier must be notified within 15 days of receipt and an in-
spection must be requested by telephone with confirmation in writing. On
concealed damage claims, the burden of establishing that the compres-
sor was damaged in transit reverts back to the claimant.
Read the compressor nameplate to verify it is the model ordered, and
read the motor nameplate to verify it is compatible with your electrical
conditions. Make sure electrical enclosures and components are