Location 74
Authorizing Users 61-70
Segment 1 corresponds to user 61; Segment 10 corresponds to user 70.
Location 75
Authorizing Users 71-80
Segment 1 corresponds to user 71; Segment 10 corresponds to user 80.
Location 76
Authorizing Users 81-90
Segment 1 corresponds to user 81; Segment 10 corresponds to user 90.
Location 77
Authorizing Users 91-100
Segment 1 corresponds to user 91; Segment 9 corresponds to user 100.
Location 78
Authorizing Users 101-110
Segment 1 corresponds to user 101; Segment 10 corresponds to user 110.
Location 79
Authorizing Users 111-120
Segment 1 corresponds to user 111; Segment 10 corresponds to user 120.
Location 80
Authorizing Users 121-130
Segment 1 corresponds to user 121; Segment 10 corresponds to user 130.
Location 81
Authorizing Users 131-140
Segment 1 corresponds to user 131; Segment 10 corresponds to user 140.
Location 82
Authorizing Users 141-150
Segment 1 corresponds to user 141; Segment 10 corresponds to user 150.
Location 83
Authorizing Users 151-160
Segment 1 corresponds to user 151; Segment 10 corresponds to user 160.
Location 84
Authorizing Users 161-170
egment 1 corresponds to user 161; Segment 10 corresponds to user 170.
Location 85
Authorizing Users 171-180
Segment 1 corresponds to user 171; Segment 10 corresponds to user 180.
Location 86
Authorizing Users 181-190
Segment 1 corresponds to user 181; Segment 10 corresponds to user 190.
Location 87
Authorizing Users 191-200
Segment 1 corresponds to user 191; Segment 10 corresponds to user 200.
Location 88
Authorizing Users 201-210
Segment 1 corresponds to user 201; Segment 10 corresponds to user 210.
Location 89
Authorizing Users 211-220
Segment 1 corresponds to user 211; Segment 10 corresponds to user 220.
Location 90
Authorizing Users 221-230
Segment 1 corresponds to user 221; Segment 10 corresponds to user 230.
Location 91
Authorizing Users 231-240 for Outputs 1-8
Segment 1 corresponds to user 231; Segment 10 corresponds to user 240.
Table X-1
"On" if code will activate Output 1; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 2; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 3; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 4; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 5; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 6; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 7; "Off" if it will not.
"On" if code will activate Output 8; "Off" if it will not.