The bus parameters can also be adapted to the single master func-
tionalities. For further details on the RFC1006 function see Sec-
tion 8.
Device-specific parameters:
Device name
Name consisting of max. 20 alphanumeric char-
TCP parameters:
Static IP address
IP address that is used if DHCP is deactivated or
the DHCP timeout elapses.
Static subnet mask
Subnet mask that is used if DHCP is deactivated or
the DHCP timeout elapses.
Static gateway
Gateway that is used if DHCP is deactivated or the
DHCP timeout elapses.
Alternative NETLink Port
In addition to the standard port, a further freely
selectable port can be stored here in the NETLink
Automatic fetching of address parameters from a
DHCP server ON or OFF.
DHCP Timeout (in seconds)
Possible range: 30 to 65535 seconds. Timeout is
deactivated at 65535. In this case, there is no fall-
back mechanism, i.e. it is essential that a DHCP
server is accessible!
Web-Interface ON/OFF
Web interface is ON or OFF
Bus-specific parameters:
Go online after boot up
The need to go “online” immediately is largely
only relevant when CPU-to-CPU communication
is used.
NETLink MPI/PB Address
This is where the address with which the NETLink
Switch will participate in the bus cycle is entered.
Any address assigned at another location (e.g. by
the SHS7-Net driver) is then ignored.
Single Master bus parame-
The bus parameters specified here are used if the
single master function is active.
Rack/Slot modus ON/OFF
Indicates whether R/S mode (ON) or addressed
mode (OFF) is used (for details, see Section 9.2).
Fix destination address for
R/S mode
If R/S mode is activated, all incoming RFC1006
requests are routed to the bus address param-
eterized here.
User/password settings:
User name needed to sign on to the security-rele-
vant pages of the NETLink
New password
Password of max. eight characters
Retype new password
The password of max. eight characters must be
entered a second time
Please remember that the user names/passwords that you have de-
fined for this configuration interface cannot be reset by any “mas-
ter reset”. Please contact our technical support if you are no
longer able to access the safety-relevant pages of the Web inter-
face with the access data known to you.
For further information,
see Section 9