example. To make use of this function, “
Go Online
” must be acti-
vated for the NETLink
Switch on the bus system. This can be
done with an engineering tool such as STEP7 or by using the “
” button on the status page. This function can also be
switched on permanently on the
“Basic Configuration”
page (see
Section 7.3).
When the
"Diagnostic Page"
button is pressed, if the bus system is
correctly connected, a list of the currently most important com-
munications parameters will be shown. For a better overview, the
table can be emptied with the
"Clear List"
function before a new
list is requested.
Because the NETLink
Switch is also active as a single master, it is
also possible to search for passive stations only. The search is
started by clicking “
Search Passive Stations.
” The updated status of
verified stations is then displayed.
The values shown here
are volatile!