: Click to restore the default configuration.
For secure reason, it is recommended that you set the account to access the web server of this Access Point.
Leaving the user name and password blank will disable the protection. The login screen prompts immediately
once you finish setting the account and password. Remember your user name and password for you will be
asked to enter them every time you access the web server of this Access Point.
User Name
Enter your new user name to access the web server. User name
can be up to 30 characters long. User name can contain letter,
number and space. It is case sensitive.
New Password
Set your new password. Password can be up to 30 characters
long. Password can contain letter, number and space. It is case
Confirm Password
Re-enter the new password for confirmation.
Apply Change
Press to save the new settings on the screen.
Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you
press Apply Change.
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