Setting Up Your Network with a Unique
Network Password (Highly Recommended)
The Netgear Powerline Encryption Utility opens a dialog box which has five (5) windows.
To activate the software double-click the Netgear Powerline Encryption Utility ICON.
Changing the Password for Your Current Device
The Security window allows you to modify the Network Password for only those
devices connected directly to your computer, it does not change device passwords for “remote”
devices (i.e., those connected on the Powerline portion of your network).
Changing the password will prevent your neighbors or outsiders from accessing your network.
Note: This utility does not change the password of older Netgear Powerline products (XE602
and XA601) directly connected to your computer. To change passwords on these products you
must use the Advanced tab and have them located remote from this computer.
Go to the Security Tab in the Powerline Encryption Utility dialog box.
To change the password from the Netgear default “HomePlug” to another password:
1. Type the new password and click Apply.
2. Select
OK when done.
To change the password back to the default click Restore Default.
Note: The “Network Password” is case sensitive and must be between 6 and 16 characters long.
Once you begin to change the password for each device, portions of your network may become
disabled until all of the devices have been set with the new encryption password.
10. Connect each your Wall-Plugged Ethernet Bridge as indicated on this screen. Select OK.
11. Click Finish.
12. Save all files, close other applications, then click Yes to reboot your computer. Select No, if
you wish to reboot your computer at a later time.
The following ICON will automatically appear on
your desktop.