Enter the maximum number of WiFi clients that can simultaneously associate with
the radio.
For the 2.4 GHz and 6 GHz radios each, the range is from 1 to 128 WiFi clients, and
the default is 128. For the 5 GHz radio, the range is from 1 to 200 WiFi clients, and
the default is 200.
Max. Wireless Clients
Enter the Request to Send (RTS) threshold. The range is from 256 to 2346. The default
is 2346.
If the packet size is equal to or less than the RTS threshold, the radio uses the Carrier
Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) mechanism and the data
frame is transmitted immediately after the silence period. If the packet size is larger
than the RTS threshold, the system uses the CSMA with Collision Avoidance
(CSMA/CA) mechanism. In this situation, the transmitting device sends the RTS packet
to the receiving device and waits for the receiving device to return a Clear to Send
(CTS) packet before sending the actual packet data.
RTS Threshold
Enter an interval between 100 ms and 300 ms for each beacon transmission, which
allows the radio to synchronize the WiFi network. The default is 100 ms.
Note: If you set up more than four WiFi networks, the beacon interval is automatically
changed to 300.
Beacon Interval
When the WiFi mode is 802.11n, you can select the 802.11n 256 QAM check box
to enable the 2.4 GHz radio to function over 256-quadrature amplitude modulation
(QAM), which can increase the 2.4 GHz radio throughput for 802.11n clients that are
capable of supporting 256 QAM. By default, 256 QAM is disabled for the 2.4 GHz
radio, that is, the check box is cleared.
By default, 256-QAM is enabled for the 5 GHz radios and you cannot disable it (the
page does not provide check boxes for the 5 GHz and 6 GHz radios).
802.11n 256 QAM
Move the slider to specify the delivery traffic indication message (DTIM) interval or
the data beacon rate, which indicates the beacon delivery traffic indication message
period in multiples of beacon intervals. This value must be between 1 and 255. The
default is 2.
DTIM Interval (1-255)
Multicast and broadcast rate limiting is enabled by default to improve the overall
network performance by limiting the number of packets that are transmitted across
the network. By default, the setting is 50 (the maximum possible value), which specifies
a maximum rate limit of 50 packets per second. To change the setting, move the
slider. To disable multicast and broadcast rate limiting, clear the small check box.
Rate Limiting
User Manual
Manage the Advanced Radio
Insight Managed WiFi 6E AXE7800 Tri-band Multi-Gig Access Point Model WAX630E