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To successfully deploy ReadyRECOVER, complete the following steps:
1. Configure ReadydATA
2. install shadowProtect Backup Agent on clients systems
3. Create a backup job
4. Replicate backup data offsite for disaster Recovery [Optional]
The following high-level steps are required to deploy ReadydATA in a supported ReadyRECOVER configuration. following
these steps will ensure the best possible results when deploying ReadyRECOVER.
1. Connect to ReadydATA
2. Create a volume for hosting backup data
3. Configure Networking & set hostname
4. Change default Admin password (mandatory for successful backups)
5. Configure Email Alerting
detailed information about installing the ReadydATA 5200 and 516 can be found in the following resources:
• ReadydATA hardware manual and ReadydATA Os software manual. These documents are available on the resource Cd
that came with your product. you can also obtain these manuals by clicking the ? icon in the ReadydATA dashboard.
• The support website at http://support.netgear.com.
1. Connecting to ReadyDATA
ReadydATA is fully administrable from a supported web browser. when ReadydATA is powered on for the first time, all
network interfaces will be set to dhCP to allow the system to obtain a valid iP address on the network. To discover the
system iP address, check the dhCP logs on your dhCP server or download and run the NETGEAR “RAidar” discovery utili-
ty. RAidar can be downloaded at http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/20684/~/readynas-downloads.
Once the iP address is discovered, simply enter it into the address bar of a supported browser. The default username and
password are “admin” and “password”.
2. Create a volume for hosting backup data
ReadydATA supports RAid levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, and 60. for ReadyRECOVER configurations, it is recommend to use
RAid5 for less than six disks configuration and RAid50 (medium performance profile) configurations in six disk solutions
and larger.
in environments with large numbers of clients and where replication will be used, it is recommended to use RAid50.