Page 13
fill out the fields in the destination step.
1. select “NETGEAR ReadydATA” as the “destination Type”
2. Enter a name for the “New destination share” (default is set to hostname)
3. Enter the iP Address for the ReadydATA
4. Enter the admin password for the ReadydATA and click “Connect”
5. Once connected, select a volume from the ReadydATA
6. select which ReadydATA account you would like to use when the backup process access the storage. By default, this
will be the ReadydATA admin account. By selecting “new/existing”, an alternate ReadydATA account can be used for
granular access control.
7. Click “Ok” to continue
ReadyDATA” as the
Destination Type
Enter the IP Address of
the ReadyDATA
Enter the admin
credentials and
Click “Connect”
Select a Volume on
the ReadyDATA to
backup to
Choose which ReadyDATA
account will be used each
time the backup runs
(admin or other user)
Click “Ok”