Access a storage device connected to the router from a
Windows-based computer..............................................................110
Map a USB device to a Windows network drive...........................110
Access a storage device that is connected to the router from a
Enable FTP access within your network.........................................112
View network folders on a storage device....................................112
Add a network folder on a USB storage device...........................113
Edit a network folder on a USB storage device............................114
Safely remove a USB storage device.............................................115
Chapter 9 Use Dynamic DNS to Access USB Storage Devices
Through the Internet
Set up and manage Dynamic DNS.................................................117
Set up a new Dynamic DNS account.........................................117
Specify a DNS account that you already created.....................118
Change the Dynamic DNS settings...........................................119
Your personal FTP server................................................................119
Set up HTTPS access through the Internet....................................121
Access USB storage devices through the Internet.......................122
Chapter 10 Use OpenVPN to Access Your Network
About VPN connections..................................................................125
Enable OpenVPN service in the router..........................................126
Install OpenVPN software on a VPN client....................................127
Install OpenVPN software on a Windows-based computer....127
Install OpenVPN software on a Mac computer........................129
Install OpenVPN software on an iOS device............................130
Install OpenVPN software on an Android device....................131
Allow VPN client Internet access in the router.........................132
Block VPN client Internet access in the router.........................133
Chapter 11 Manage port forwarding and port triggering
Manage port forwarding to a local server.....................................136
Set up port forwarding to a local server...................................136
Add a custom port forwarding service.....................................137
Edit a port forwarding service....................................................138
Delete a port forwarding entry..................................................139
4-Stream AX1800 WiFi 6 Router Model RAX20