How the PowerLINE Adapter Fits Into Your Network
You can use one or more PowerLINE adapters to extend Internet access throughout your home.
A PowerLINE network consists of two or more compatible PowerLINE devices that communicate with each
other using your electrical power lines. One of the PowerLINE devices is connected with an Ethernet cable
to your router so that the PowerLINE network is linked to your local area network (LAN). Connecting one
PowerLINE device to your router allows all the PowerLINE devices on the PowerLINE network to communicate
with the router and use its Internet connection.
The following illustration shows a PowerLINE network with one PowerLINE device in Room 1 and a second
PowerLINE device in Room 2.
Figure 2. Poweline adapters connecting two rooms
To form a PowerLINE network, you need at least two compatible PowerLINE devices.
PowerLINE Networks
PowerLINE 2000