NETGEAR Stora User Manual
Stora Application
v1.0, September 2009
Setting up Contacts
Setting up contacts is setting up your address book, and the contact list for the current album. Each
user has their own address book that contains names and email addresses of your friends. You only
have to set up the address book once, though you can add and remove contacts at anytime. The
contact list contains friends whom you want to share the album with, and must be set up for each
new album. Each album can be shared with a different set of your friends.
Viewing your contacts
Viewing your contacts shows your address book and the contact list for the current album. To view
your contacts, click the click the Add Friends icon in the album details. The Share with your
contacts window appears.
Setting up your address book
To add a friend to your address book, click the Create New Contact icon. Enter the Contact Name
and Email Address, and then click Add. Once you add a friend to your address book, you can add
them to the contact list.
To remove a friend from your address book, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then
click the Delete Contact icon.
To edit a friend in your address book, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then click the
Edit Contact icon. You can then change their name or email address.
Setting up the contact list
To add a friend to the contact list, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then click Add >>.
To remove a friend from the contact list, select the friend in the Allowed Access list, and then click
<< Remove.
Note that if you email an invitation to a friend, and then remove them from the contact list, they
will no longer have access to the album.
Finding a friend
If you have a large list of friends, and you want to remove or notify a specific person, enter some
letters from their name in the Find in list box. The Address Book list will show only matching
Saving your contacts
Once you have set up your address book or contact list, click Save.