How do I disconnect from the mobile broadband network?
Turning off domestic data and international roaming disconnects your Nighthawk M6
from the mobile broadband network. For more information, see Turn domestic data off
from the Nighthawk M6 web page on page 28.
How do I find out how many devices are connected to my
Nighthawk M6 WiFi networks?
The number next to the WiFi button on the Nighthawk M6’s LCD home screen is the
number of users (or devices) connected to your WiFi network. When you log in to the
Nighthawk M6 web page, the number of connected devices displays on the home page.
What do I do if the No Signal icon displays?
If the No Signal icon (
) displays, make sure that you are in your network service
provider’s coverage area.
Why can’t my device access the Nighthawk M6 web page
when connected to a VPN?
To directly access the Nighthawk M6 web page hosted on the device, enter the address in your browser.
What do I do if my Nighthawk M6 doesn’t connect to my
service provider’s network?
If your Nighthawk M6 does not connect to your service provider’s mobile broadband
network, try the following suggestions:
Make sure that your SIM account is active. To check micro SIM status, contact your
wireless service provider.
If you use a prepaid SIM card, make sure that the account balance is positive.
If your Nighthawk M6 still does not connect, you might need to create or update the
default connection profile.
To check the default connection profile settings:
1. From a computer or WiFi device that is connected to the Nighthawk M6, launch a
web browser.
User Manual
Frequently Asked Questions
Nighthawk M6