Reference Manual for the Model HR314 802.11a Hi-Speed Wireless Router
Advanced Configuration of the Router
By selecting Port Rule, you can block access to a specific Internet service from your network. For
example, you can prevent your users from using chat or games. The Port Rule menu is shown in
Figure 8-7
Figure 8-7.
Packet Filtering (Port Rule) menu
To block a service:
Make sure the Enable Packet Filtering checkbox is checked.
Select Port Rule.
Click Add.
From the Protocol list in the next screen, select the service to be blocked.
If it does not exist, select “User defined” and specify the port number(s), protocol, and name.
Click OK
The entry should now appear in the table.
Click Apply.
To delete or edit an entry in the table, click its button and then click Edit or Delete.
Reserved IP adresses
Reserved IP addresses should be assigned to servers or PCs on your network that require
non-changing IP addresses. When you specify a reserved IP address for a PC on the LAN, that PC
will always receive the same IP address each time it accesses the router’s DHCP server, in addition
to receiving other DHCP-assigned configuration information.