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The Tools page contains functions to maintain your switch. There is a firmware upgrade; the means to save current settings to non-volatile
memory (NVRAM); as well as software reset mechanism. The page has three sub-pages:
Software Upgrade
Save Configuration
Device Reset
Tools> Software Upgrade
NETGEAR might offer improvements to the software that controls this switch. This page allows you to test the software, and load it permanently
onto your switch. Please refer to Chapter 5 when updating software. From this screen, you can choose the method for the next system boot
process: 'Net' will boot from the network, 'Net and Save' will boot from the network and permanently save the retrieved boot image in the switch,
'Last Saved' will boot from the boot image last saved in non-volatile memory in the switch. In order to boot from the network, you must supply the
TFTP server IP address and boot image file name in this screen, then select 'Apply'.
Net option
This option allows the user to try out a new image before upgrading. It requires a TFTP filename and a server IP address to retrieve the specified
image from the given IP address. The new image will not overwrite the one in non-volatile memory. (This is the default setting. See Figure 7-13)
Net & save option
This option requires the same setup as the Net option, i.e. TFTP server and a new image. However, it copies the image to non-volatile memory and
then the system boots from non-volatile memory.
Last Saved option
The system will boot from non-volatile memory. This option will automatically show up after the ‘Net & save’ option is selected and the unit is reset.
Figure 7-12: Software Upgrade