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The administration console is an internal, character-oriented, VT-100/ANSI menu-driven user interface for performing management activities. Using
this method, you can view the administration console from a terminal, PC, Apple Macintosh, or UNIX workstation connected to the switch’s console
port. Figure 6-1 shows an example of this management method.
Figure 6-1. Administration Console Management Method
Direct Access
Direct access to the switch console is achieved by connecting the switch’s console port to a VT-100 or compatible terminal or to a PC, Apple
Macintosh, or UNIX workstation equipped with a terminal-emulation program. This connection is made using the null-modem cable supplied with
the switch.
The following list provides examples of terminal-emulation programs:
HyperTerminal (which is built into the Microsoft Windows operating systems)
ZTerm (Apple Macintosh)
TIP (UNIX workstation)
The terminal-emulation program should use the following settings:
Baud rate: 9,600 bps
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bit: 1
Flow control: none
The direct access management method is required when you configure the switch for the first time. Thereafter, we recommend you use the Web
management access method (described in chapter 7) to manage the switch.
The console, using VT100 terminal emulation, can be accessed from the RS-232 serial port or a telnet connection. The switch offers password
protection for this interface. All of the following examples of the Console’s User Interface show a screen capture from a telnet session.