Fast Ethernet, 5-5
cable connections
cross-over, C-4
straight-through, C-4
cable lengths
Category 5, C-2
cable specifications
Category 5, C-3
and patch panels, C-5
cascade, 3-6, 3-7
guidelines, C-2
specifications, C-3
twisted-pair, C-4
UTP, 4-2
Category 5, C-2
Fast Ethernet, C-1
cascade cable, 3-6
Category 3 connectors
using, C-5
Category 5 cabling, C-2
Category 5 UTP cable, 3-3, C-1
Category 5 UTP wiring, 2-3
chassis, 2-1
configuration examples, 5-2
migration to 100 Mbps, 5-3
multiport switch, 5-5
shared repeater, 5-2
cascade, 2-6
Cascade Down, 3-7
Cascade Up, 3-7
RJ-45, 2-3, 1, 5
contents, package, 3-2
customer support, iii
Ethernet technology, 5-1
fans, 2-7
Fast Ethernet technology, 5-1, 5-5, C-1
features, 1-2
front panel, 2-1
Model FE508 hub, 2-1
Model FE516 hub, 2-2
hub stacking, 2-6
humidity requirements, 3-1
guidelines, 3-3
in a rack, 3-4
of multiple hubs, 3-7
on a flat surface, 3-3
verifying, 3-9