Installation Guide for the Model FE508 and FE516 Fast Ethernet Hubs
Physical Description
Cascade Connectors
The Model FE508 and Model FE516 Fast Ethernet hubs can be stacked for a maximum of 64
(100 Mbps) ports in a single repeater or collision domain. The stack of four hubs can consist of any
combination of Model FE508 and Model FE516 hubs daisy-chained together using a NETGEAR-
supplied cascade cable. The cascade cable daisy chains between the Cascade Down and Cascade Up
connectors (see Figure 2-5) on the rear panel of each hub. This connection creates a cascade bus that
carries information to each hub in the stack. Refer to “Installing and Connecting Multiple Hubs” in
Chapter 3, “Installation,” for a step-by-step procedure.
Figure 2-5. Cascade cabling two hubs