Remote Administration:
Remote administration allows you to access the modem / router / VOIP ATA configuration
page from a computer connected to the internet.
This can also be used to enable your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to check your settings if
you experience connection issues.
In the case of a VOIP ATA, you would also need to create a “
Port Forwarding
rule on your modem / router for port 80 (or the applicable remote
administration access port) pointing to your VOIP ATA’s IP address.
If your modem / router is a NetComm or Dynalink unit, please see the
appropriate “
Port Forwarding
” support document for assistance with adding
this rule.
Before enabling remote access to your modem, we recommend changing the
username and password required to login.
Please see our “
Changing the default username and password
” document
for assistance with this.
You can also limit access to a specific IP or subnet
This will prevent unauthorised access to your modem.
If supported by your model of modem / router.