Outdoor Wireless Antenna
Product introduction
Product overview
Rural and regional homes and businesses, remote commercial sites and metropolitan fringe districts located beyond the reach of
fixed line infrastructure rely on mobile networks to access broadband Internet.
Designed to optimize signal strength in weak signal areas, the NetComm Wireless NRB-51 Outdoor Wireless Antenna (OWA) is
positioned on the exterior of the premises to overcome distance limitations and geographical obstructions, and deliver high-speed
LTE broadband connectivity to wired and wireless clients in the property via an indoor router.
Product features
Attractive compact ID that can withstand harsh weather elements
Software upgrade path to support 4x4 MIMO
Designed to meet applicable GR-1089 immunity & surge tests
Proven and documented installation optimized for speed, safety and accuracy
Package contents
The NetComm Wireless NRB-51 in-box contents include:
1 x NetComm Wireless NRB-51 (also referred to as OWA) device
1 x Assembled mount (2” DTV compatible) with 5 screws
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact NetComm Wireless Support immediately. The NetComm Wireless
Support website can be found at: