Outdoor Wireless Antenna
Communicating with the Outdoor unit
Diagnostics Tools
The following tools may be required to access and perform any admin or testing tasks.
adb: console access through the host USB connection (Android tool)
fastboot: firmware upgrade through the host USB connection (Android tool)
QXDM diag tool and drivers: Qualcomm diagnostic tools and drivers
Terminal emulator: emulator software such as PuTTY will be used to connect to the AT command port of the OWA’s
Wireless module.
SSH client: SSH client such as PuTTY will be used to access the OWA’s admin shell through the admin VLAN (i.e.
The following table lists all the required files to complete diagnostics. Some of these may require third party NDA’s, please contact
your account representative for details.
List of required files
Google USB driver installer
NRB-51 ADB driver archive
minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.1.3_setup.exe Android Debug Bridge and Fastboot installer
QXDM.WIN.3.14 Installer-01004.6.zip
Qualcomm QXDM.WIN.3.14 Installer-01004.6
QPST.WIN.2.7 Installer-00432.1.zip
Qualcomm Product Support Tool
QUD.WIN.1.1 Installer-10036.7
Qualcomm USB Driver
OWA supports two methods to perform communication with the device for diagnostic or debug operations.
Admin shell session – useful for performing application level diagnostic and debugging. This is the preferred method in
most cases.
Qualcomm’s QXDM tools including the AT command interface – mainly for RF module level diagnostic
There are two ways to access the admin session on OWA.
adb tool through the USB connection
ssh through the admin VLAN – ID 4001
To access the admin session through USB, the adb tool (an Android tool) needs to be installed on a PC connected to the NRB-51.
After installing the adb tool (see Firmware installation), connecting the special USB cable and creating the admin VLAN ID 4001 on
the PC connected to the NRB-51, you can access the session through the Ethernet interface. For more details about accessing the
admin session, please refer to the section Admin shell session.
QXDM tool is used when the RF modem level diagnostic including the AT command interface is required. When the special USB
cable is connected (see Installation instructions) and the Qualcomm drivers are installed, the QXDM tools can be used.
The QXDM tools and AT command interface sections contain the details about the QXDM tools. These sections do not have any in-
depth details about the QXDM tools since QXDM is not a NetComm Wireless product. You may need to contact Qualcomm to get
the QXDM installation packages and tools. Qualcomm’s QXDM tools and drivers are required and you must have the proper
Qualcomm license to install and run these tools. Please check with Qualcomm for more details about the license terms.