Outdoor Wireless Antenna (NRB-51)
UM-00017 rev 1.0
Useful Commands
VLAN details
adb shell rdb dump vlan.admin
adb shell rdb dump vlan.data
adb shell rdb dump vlan.ems
adb shell rdb dump vlan.voice
WWAN status
adb shell rdb dump wwan.0.system_network_status
SIM status
adb shell rdb dump sim
adb shell rdb dump imei
IMS status
adb shell rdb dump wwan.0.ims
Data Profile
adb shell rdb dump link.profile.1
adb shell rdb dump link.profile.1.apn
Voice (IMS) profile
adb shell rdb dump link.profile.2
SOS profile
adb shell rdb dump link.profile.3
EMS profile
adb shell rdb dump link.profile.4
To change an APN name,
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.apn [new apn]
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.writeflag 1
To change an APN’s IP type,
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.pdp_type [ipv4|ipv6|ipv4v6]
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.writeflag 1
To enable and disable, an APN state
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.enable 1
adb shell rdb set link.profile.1.enable 0
Check the interface status