The locking latches rise when the controller module is fully seated.
Do not use excessive force when sliding the controller module into the chassis to avoid
damaging the connectors.
The controller module begins to boot as soon as it is fully seated in the chassis. Be prepared to
interrupt the boot process.
b. Rotate the locking latches upward, tilting them so that they clear the locking pins, and then lower them
into the locked position.
c. If you have not already done so, reinstall the cable management device.
d. Interrupt the normal boot process by pressing
5. Repeat the preceding steps to install the second controller into the new chassis.
Complete the restoration and replacement process - AFF A800
Step 1: Verify and set the HA state of the chassis
You must verify the HA state of the chassis, and, if necessary, update the state to match
your system configuration.
1. In Maintenance mode, from either controller module, display the HA state of the local controller module and
ha-config show
The HA state should be the same for all components.
2. If the displayed system state for the chassis does not match your system configuration:
a. Set the HA state for the chassis:
ha-config modify chassis
The value for HA-state can be one of the following:
b. Confirm that the setting has changed:
ha-config show
3. If you have not already done so, recable the rest of your system.
4. Reinstall the bezel on the front of the system.
Step 2: Run diagnostics
After you have replaced a component in your system, you should run diagnostic tests on
that component.
Your system must be at the LOADER prompt to start diagnostics.
All commands in the diagnostic procedures are issued from the node where the component is being replaced.