Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
6 of 24
3. USE
Once your stove has been installed and connected
to the chimney, you are ready to light the fire. Before
ligh�ng your stove for the first �me, please take
�me to become familiar with the different control
systems and parts of the unit, how to choose the
wood, how to light it and use it on a daily basis.
Ensure that the ash pan is empty.
ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND that the stove generates heat
and, therefore, keep children, clothing, furniture... at
a distance to prevent burns from direct contact with
the appliance.
Below, we have included some advice on your stove
and on its use. Please read with care.
The Woodbox® system uses a balance of preheated
primary air, secondary air and natural flue draft in
a process of combus�on and post-combustion,
to obtain extremely high efficiency and total
controllability of the fire.
The Woodbox® stoves, are equipped with a variable
flap mechanism to control the air intake with
precision, according to the type of combus�on and
the desired tempo of the fire. The controls allow you
to open these flaps manually or an optional remote
control kit allows you to open and close these flaps
automa�cally. Using the automa�c mode means once
the room temperature has been reached the stove
will reduce its burn rate so saving you wood and
therefore money.
Log guard
The air can also enter the
stove directly under the grate,
for ligh�ng or for use with
smokeless coal.
Combus�on air is
preheated, then delivered
to the fire above the
grate and down the glass.
Balanced, equal
distribu�on of
preheated air to all
regions of the
Grate riddling arm
Fig. 6
Diagramma�c view of a Woodbox ® stove (without the TruHybrid components fi�ed).