Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
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These instruc�ons cover the Nestor Mar�n range
of Harmony (H) and Stanford (S) Woodbox® stoves
and the TruHybrid variant.
It offers installa�on and opera�on informa�on for
the range of HARMONY H13, H23, H33, H43.
STANFORD S13, S23, S33. In some cases you find
references in this document to the model size rather
than the models exterior design. There are four sizes
of appliances, 13, 23, 33, 43. The 13 is the smallest
and the 43 the largest. Although the exterior cas�ngs
change between model ranges, for example the
Harmony 23 and the Stanford 23, the internal
workings are the same.
TruHybrid Woodbox® stoves
Increase the efficiency of your stove while taking
care of the environment. In addi�on to the reduc�on
of fuel consump�on, thanks to this new system the
emissions that occur during combus�on are also
significantly reduced.
It is only recommended that dry seasoned wood
with a moisture content of 20% or below be used
in the TruHybrid stoves.
The burning of smokeless coal is not recommended
as this can reduce the life of the catalyst used
in the TruHybrid system.
For full instruc�ons for the TruHybrid stoves please
refer to the instruc�ons specific for this variant
supplied with the stove.
Model Iden�fica�on
There is a stove iden�fica�on plate fi�ed to the
stove giving the details of each appliance.
This can be found in a number of places on the
depending upon the model and date of
1. On a plate that swings out from under the ash
pan housing.
2. On a plate that swings out from the le�
hand side of the rear heat shield.
3. A label fi�ed on the rear of the stove towards
the bo�om of the rear heat shield.
Due to the high opera�ng temperatures of this
appliance it should be located away from pedestrian
traffic and away from furniture and draperies.Mats
and rugs put in front of the stove should be fire proof
and secured to prevent the possibility of tripping.
Do not store paper or wood near the appliance. Do
not store or use petrol or other flammable vapours
and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other hea�ng
appliance. Do not use aerosol sprays near the stove
when the stove is alight. Do not burn anything but
natural wood or approved smokeless coals on this
Advise all persons as to the stove’s high surface
temperatures. If it is possible for children or infirm
adults to come into contact with the stove, fit a
suitable fire guard.
It is impera�ve that all air passageways into, out of,
and within the appliance are kept clean. All
permanent ven�la�on into the room provided for
the stove must remain clear and unobstructed at all
�mes. Considera�on must be given to the need for
extra ven�la�on if another hea�ng source needing
air is to be operated simultaneously. If an extrac�on
fan is proposed to be fi�ed to a connec�ng area of
the house, a�er the stove has been installed,
professional advice should be sought from a
qualified engineer.
The user should be advised that the appliance should
be inspected regularly and the chimney cleaned at
least annually. More frequent cleaning may be
required and the advice of a qualified chimney
sweep should be sought.
Your a�en�on is drawn to the precau�ons and
responsibili�es under the Health and Safety at Work
Acts, and whatever new legisla�on being introduced
during the life of this document. Especially to the
possibility of disturbing asbestos when disturbing
structures in older proper�es. Also the caus�c nature
of fire cement. The personal risk of injury when
moving heavy items with possible sharp edges.
Improper adjustment, altera�on, maintenance or
the fi�ng of replacement parts not recommended
by the manufacturer can cause injury or property
Do not operate the stove with faulty
seals or damaged glass.