Instruc�on Manual 08/2020
11 of 24
Adjustment knob
Fig. 12
3.3.4. Minimum air se�ng
The adjustment knob for the minimum air intake
can be found underneath the stove, on the air flap
assembly. It is factory set. This knob allows you
to increase or decrease the slumber air intake.
Adjust this knob according to your chimney’s draught,
when the chimney is at its opera�ng temperature and
using an accurate flue draught gauge. See sec�on
recommended flue dra�.
Minimum air screw open
(this is the factory se�ng, suitable for a
normal flue draught).
Minimum air screw closed or nearly
closed (in the case of an excessively
strong flue draught)
3.3.5. Remote Control (optional)
This stove has the op�on of remote control.
Fi�ng the remote control Motor:
At the rear of the appliance you will see the motor fi�ng bracket. This
incorporates a magnet and the mechanism fric�on plate. The friction plate
is hinged. To fit the motor, this friction plate needs to be detached from the
magnet and swung to the left. The motor can now be slipped into place. The
magnet retains the motor.
Connect the electrical lead to the
receiver box and the receiver box
in its holder.
Detailed instruc�ons on the use of
the remote control can be found
with the remote control kit.
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15