Like any smoke and CO alarm, Nest Protect
has a limited life. You will need to replace
Nest Protect after 10 years with a brand new
Nest Protect. You can check the date
of replacement written on the back of
Nest Protect to see when it will expire.
About two weeks before it expires, Nest Protect
will light up with a yellow light. Press the
Nest button and it will say, “Nest Protect has
expired. Replace it now.” Buy a new alarm and
recycle the expired one. Make sure you test
your new Nest Protect once it’s installed.
Once Nest Protect has expired you will
need to recycle it according to local
regulations. Please visit
for more information.
You can reset Nest Protect to erase all your
settings and reset the wireless interconnection
with other Nest Protects. You may want to do
this when you move to a new home. Follow the
steps below on each Nest Protect you want
to reset.
1. Press and hold the Nest button. Nest will
chime and glow blue.
2. Keep holding the button until Nest Protect
begins to say its version number. Then
release the button.
3. Nest Protect will start a verbal countdown
and tell you it’s erasing all settings. You can
cancel the reset by pressing the Nest button
during the countdown.
4. After a few seconds it will restart.
Your Nest Protect will still detect smoke and
carbon monoxide after being reset.
Go to
nest.com/ca/protect/reset for complete
reset instructions.