P09E sEnD UsER iDs
this option enables the transmission of
individual user Ids to the control panel.
to program, press P09e 0e then press 0e to
toggle the option on and off.
P09E 0E = oFF: user Ids disabled, (low
Battery light is oFF, factory default).
all the RKP user codes are transmitted to the
control panel as user Id 1.
this is the best option if you do not intend
to send open/close reports with user Id to
the central station. this is also the easiest to
program because only the Id for RKP user code
1 needs to be ‘learned’ by the control panel.
the RKP user code 1 can be programmed to
any panel code except the master code.
P09E 0E = on: user Ids enabled, (low Battery
light is oN).
each RKP user code is individually transmitted
to the control panel, (as user Ids 1–15).
this is used for sending open/close reports with
user Id to the central station.
the user Ids must be ‘learned’ into the control
panel one at a time.
Program oPtIons
P10E EnaBLE RaDio EncRyPtion
P10E 0000E: auto site Code, (low Battery light
is oN, factory default).
the site Code is the encrypted security code
that the RKP transmits to the panel along with
the button press data.
By entering P10e 0000e, the site Code is
automatically generated when the learn
message is sent to the panel.
P10E [4 digit code site code] E: Manual site
Code, (low Battery light is oFF).
this option can be used to manually set the
transmitted code. this is only necessary if
multiple RKPs are programmed to the same
panel code.
P11E–P25E UsER coDEs 1–15
the RKP can be programmed with 15 user
codes of 3–6 digits in length.
user Codes cannot start with the digit 0.
to program a user code:
P [option No] e [New code] e [New code] e
When programming:
low Battery light oFF = the code is blank
low Battery light oN = a code is programmed
to clear a user code:
P [option No] e 0e 0e
UsER coDEs / UsER iDs DEFinED.
User codes are stored in the RKP and
are not transmitted to the panel.
the panel receives an encrypted
message representing the User iD of the
code being used.
the RKP’s user codes are independent
to the control panel’s user codes.