Ready to enjoy home canning with the SMART CANNER?
Few things are more satisfying than opening a jar of something you’ve canned yourself. Home
canning has a long and important legacy for families. You’ll be able to take advantage of
many benefits by canning your own fruits and vegetables. It’s more than just the great taste of
produce you’ve preserved at their peak, it’s the health benefits of controlling what goes in the
foods you eat. Plus, it’s a step toward self sufficiency. You can enjoy the taste of your garden all
year! Home canned products make thoughtful and healthy gifts.
The SMART CANNER helps make the process easy and safe. Digital controls will make the
process easier, even for first time home canners. The process of pressure canning safely
eliminates and protects against unwanted microorganisms. We’ve included some tips on the
basics of canning. Feel free to explore the many recipe resources available online or through
your local library. Join a club and learn even more.
We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the canning procedures, the
different acid levels of fresh foods and FDA guidelines that can be found on the Internet.
There are a wide variety of products that can be successfully canned. However, not every
food item is suitable. Check for recipes before proceeding.
Follow recipe directions carefully.
Select jar sizes in servings that you and your family will be able to consume in a timely
manner. Make sure there are no small chips along the top of jars that would prevent
adequate sealing. With proper care, canning jars can be reused for many years. NEVER
Some handy items that you may normally need include saucepans, measuring cups and
measuring spoons, sharp kitchen knives, large spoons or ladles, cutting boards, non-
metallic spatula, funnels, jar lifters, oven gloves and clean rags. Also, adhesive labels can
add a nice look to your final product.
Make sure all utensils, jars and lids are thoroughly clean before canning. It’s best to keep
your newly cleaned jars warm to help reduce chance of breakage caused by temperature
changes when adding hot foods.
The “Smart Canner” can seal jars through both pressure canning and water bath
techniques—check with your recipe for suggested method.
Follow guidelines for safety procedures from canning jar and lid manufactures. Never use
jars that are not designed for home canning.
The SMART CANNER comes with 2 racks to use during the canning process. The CANNING
RACK must be used to keep the canning jars off the bottom of the INNER POT. The STEAMING
RACK can be used as a separation layer when stacking smaller size jars.
The SMART CANNER will hold and process:
Botulism spores must be killed at temperatures higher than boiling water (pressure canned)
or by extreme pH balance found in vinegar of pickled vegetables or sweet jams and jellies
(water bath).
Up to 4 Quarts (WIDE MOUTH jars) or
· Up to 5 Pints (WIDE MOUTH jars) or
· 16 - 4 oz jelly jars at a time
NOTE: There are many varieties of
canning jars available. Not all will fit
perfectly into the Smart Canner.
Please use WIDE MOUTH canning jars
for best results. QUART size jars cannot
be used with the Water Bath function.