P. 7
- Neo Nexus Split 4
English version
How to play DMX files when match
setting triggers
Firstly, enter into Action->Add Action
1. Name: Input the name.
2. Target: Target of the action. (Single: play one
time; Loop: play in loops; Stop: stop playing).
3. Trigger: Choose the trigger method: DMX trigger
(DM-01), Daily trigger (DA-01), Weekly trigger (WE-01)
4. Delay: 0-10S
5. Source: Choose the playing files, could be Scene,
Chase, Show, and DMX_IN.
6. Port: Choose DMX output port (P1 P2 P3 P4).
7. Eanble: set the action enable or not. Please
choose Yes here.
8. Confirm & Save: Save and exit, the action will
start to waiting for trigger.
9. Cancel & Return: cancel and exit.
How to ON/OFF port power
Firstly, enter into Action->Add Action
1. Name: Input the name.
2. Target: Choose the target of the action. (Sw-On:
set port power on; Sw-Off: set port power off).
3. Trigger: Choose the trigger method, please
choose Manual here.
4. Delay: 0-10S
5. Port: choose the power output port. (P1 P2 P3 P4).
6. Eanble: set the action enable or not. Please
choose Yes here.
7. Confirm & Save: save and exit, the action will
start to run or couting delay time.
8. Cancel & Return: cancel and exit.
How to ON/OFF port power
when match setting triggers
Firstly, enteri nto Action->Add Action
1. Name: Input the name.
2. Target: Choose the target of the action. (Sw-On:
set port power on; Sw-Off: set port power off).
3. Trigger: Choose the trigger method: DMX trigger
(DM-01), Daily trigger (DA-01), Weekly trigger (WE-01)
4. Delay: 0-10S
5. Port: choose the power output port (P1 P2 P3 P4).
6. Eanble: set the action enable or not. Please
choose Yes here.
7. Confirm & Save: save and exit, the action will
start to waiting for trigger.
8. Cancel & Return: cancel and exit.
How to edit or delete Actions
Firstly, enter into Action->Edit & Del Action
Name: the builted action name.
Port: output port of action.
Stat: [A]: action is running, [F]: fail to act, [W]:
waiting for trigger, [S]: already started but was
stopped manually.
Edit: Edit actions
Del: Delete Action.
Back: To exit.