12. Maintenance
Always turn off the projector after use, gently remove the plug and let the projector cool down
before moving or storing it.
The lens should only be cleaned with a soft cloth, making sure that the fans remain dust-free.
Use a soft tissue or lens cloth with a little spirit or pure alcohol to clean
the lens.
Do not try to open the projector yourself and never touch the LED module
it may break! In case of
problems, take the projector to a qualified mechanic (Nenko can advise you on this)
To replace the fuse, turn off the device and let it cool sufficiently. Then you can replace the fuse with
a fuse with the same specifications: t1AH/250V Ceramic 20 mm x 5mm diameter) The fuse can be
found in the IEC panel on the back. Remove the fuseholderusing a flat screwdriver. Replace the
fuseholderand press until it no longerprotrudes. If the fusebreaks immediately, contact Nenko, do
not use a fuse with higher values.
For more information, please visit our website