Materials suitable for common, robust objects.
*Nozzle temperature: 255° C
*Bed temperature: 100° C. You can set the bed between 80° to 110° C depending on the size of an
object (larger object will require a higher temperature)
Material suitable for detailed models. PLA is made of renewable sources, mostly from cornflower and
cellulose. This material is appropriate for a layer height up to 50 microns.
*Nozzle temperature: 215° C
*Bed temperature: 50° to 60° C
Material suitable for large objects thanks to its minimal thermal expansion. Universal material suited
also for printable mechanical components.
*Nozzle temperature: 240° C
*Bed temperature: 80° to 100° C
Do not use isopropyl alcohol to clean the bed. Doing so may cause the adhesion to be too strong.
Windex or another window cleaner is a great option for PET. Pour a small amount on a paper towel and
wipe the print surface.
Universal, stable material with good heat resistance suited for printable mechanical coponents.
*Nozzle temperature: 220° C
*Bed temperature: 100 ° C. You can set the bed termperaute between 80° to 110° C depending on the
size of an object (larger objects will require a higher temperature).