background image


Read all instructions before

inserting batteries.  Be sure to save this booklet
for future reference.

If you have any questions regarding your new
electronic water timer, please call our free
Technical Assistance Hotline (1-800-489-4568).

Important Safety Information.

This timer is not for use inside buildings.

Use fabric reinforced hoses only – damaged or
cracked hoses should be replaced and not used.

The timer should not be used in damp pits or
under earth’s surface.

Mount the timer in a vertical position only.

Check connections regularly for tight sealing.

The hose should not be pulled since
connections and the housing could 
be damaged.

When using for the first time, observe progress 
of the program for one week to ensure the unit
is operating properly.

Before a long absence, such as a vacation,
insert new batteries and test your program.

When storing, make sure the unit is completely
empty of water and in a frost-free environment
only. Remove the batteries.

Use alkaline batteries only, size C.  Do not use
rechargeable batteries.

Use original accessories only.


These units are not intended for

inside use, i.e., offices, apartments or houses, 
nor for professional watering applications.


Detach timer from faucet during

freezing weather.  This product is intended for
outdoor watering only.  Do not use with water
exceeding 100° F(38° C) or with pressures
exceeding 100 psi.  Avoid excessive pulling 
or tugging on the hose as damage to timer 
may result.

Operating Controls

1. Water connection

2. Battery compartment

3. Hose connector

4. Display for Model 5750 

5. Control panel

6. Delay key for programming

7. Duration key for programming

8. Water Days key for programming

9. Program Review key

10. Manual Open/Close key

11. Housing cover (5750)


Electronic Water Timer

5700 or 5750 

Water connection


Hose connection



10.8 oz (without batteries)

Watering cycles (on and off)

1 per 24 hour period for 5700
2 per 24 hour period for 5750


2 x 1.5V, Alkaline


Type C

Number of keys


LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Size 1.4” x 0.4” 

(5750 only)

Programming Span

1 to 3 days 

Low battery detection Timer will stop running 

when battery voltage is low

Inserting & Replacing Batteries 

Use Alkaline 
batteries only,          
size C.  Do not 
use rechargeable

Before every battery change, turn off the timer’s
water supply at your outdoor faucet and then
remove it from the faucet.

Open battery compartment and insert them 
in accordance with the markings in the

Replacing batteries:

When batteries in either model are exhausted, the
5700 LED will flash, the 5750 LCD will show it.
Timer will close the water valve and will no longer
follow watering instructions.

Automatic Delay:

After you have completed programming your 
first watering cycle, the timer will delay for a
period of 10 seconds.  The timer display will
clear and show ‘Cycle 2’, (5750 only) indicating
that your first program has been accepted, and
the second cycle may now be programmed.  The
automatic delay will occur again after you have
programmed cycle two. 


Now that your timer is      
programmed, it is time  
to install the unit to 
your faucet.

1.  Holding the unit steady, screw the collar onto

the faucet until it is finger tight.  DO NOT use
a wrench or pliers.

2.  Attach a garden hose to the connection on 

the bottom of the unit.  Makes sure there is 
a good washer in the hose fitting.

3.  Make sure timer valve is closed.  Turn on 

the water at the faucet.  Your timer will now
water automatically.

1. Reset. 


keys at same time and hold 
4 seconds.  Release the  keys,
and view ‘PRGM’ on 5750 display

or a flash on the 5700 indicating unit is reset.

2. Delay. 

Press DELAY key to delay start

time.  Each press delays start time
1 hour from  current time, up to
20 hours from now.  Note:  This

unit does not contain a clock. Watering start time
is set from current time.

If you exceed the 20 hours, the delay will
‘rollover’ to one hour and the timer will accept
more key 


3. Duration. 

Press DURATION key to set

watering time.  On the 5700, 
each press will increase duration

15 minutes, up to 4 hours.  On 
the 5750, each press will increase watering
duration 1 minute up to 30 minutes and 
15-minute increments from 30 minutes 
to 4 hours.

Note:  You must press this key at least once 
to have a valid program, otherwise the timer
will flash continuously or display ‘ERR’.

If you exceed the 4 hour maximum, the 
time will ‘rollover’ to 15 minutes (5700), 
or 1 minute (5750), and timer will continue 
to accept more 
key presses.

4. Water Days.

If you do not press the WATER

DAYS key, the program entered 
will water today only.  If you press

WATER DAYS once,  program will execute every
day, if you press twice every other day, and if you
press three times every third day.  Schedule will
be repeated automatically until you turn off the
faucet or until  batteries are exhausted.

Pressing the WATER DAYS key more than three
times will cause timer to ‘rollover’ to water today
only.  Additional presses will program as
explained above. 

5. ‘Cycle 2’ and Program


Wait 10 seconds after the last key stroke.  On
5700 light will flash indicating  program is
accepted.  On 5750 timer display changes to
‘CYCLE 2’.  If you do not need an additional
watering cycle,  wait 10 seconds and display 
will  change to ‘AUTO’.

To program cycle two, wait 10 seconds after last
key stroke in cycle one.  Timer display will show
‘CYCLE 2’.  Continue programming second cycle
as you did  the first.

Wait 10 seconds for the unit to accept cycle two
program data.  Upon acceptance, you will see the
display change to ‘AUTO’.

If you do not program cycle two before the ‘AUTO’
display appears (after one programming cycle)
but decide you would like to, you must reset the
timer and start again. 

The timer display will show ‘ERR’ if an error was
made in programming, like setting overlapping
water cycles, or if no duration instructions for
either of the two cycles was entered.

6. Program Review. 

On the 5700, when the Program

Review key is pressed, the light 
will flash the sequence of key
presses (separating each key’s

number of presses by a pause)  On the 5750,
when the Program Review key is pressed, the
display will review the programs. 

7. Record Your Program. 

Write down the time, day and date of both
programs as well as your DELAY, DURATION and
WATER DAYS selections for future reference.

Day of programming   



Time of day







Today only
Every day
Every second day
Every third day

Sample Program. 

Suppose you want your timer to start watering 
4 hours from now.  For a total of 45 minutes
every other day.  All it takes is 4 easy steps.

Step 1.

Reset timer by pressing DELAY and
WATER DAYS keys at the same time 
for 4 seconds.

Step 2

.  Press DELAY key 4 times (once 

for each of the 4 hours of desired 
delay time).

Step 3. 

Press DURATION key 3 times 
(each press adds 15 minutes of
watering time). 

On the 5750, hold the DURATION key 
until it scrolls to 0:45 min or press the 
key 31 times.

Step 4

.  Press WATER DAYS key twice (timer

will now water every other day).

After 10 seconds, the timer will show 
program has been accepted with a flash 
or the screen clears.

On the 5750, display now reads 
‘CYCLE 2’.  Suppose you would like to 
program a second cycle that will begin 
in 8 hours, will water for 15 minutes 
once a day.

Step 1 

Press DELAY key 8 times.

Step 2 

Hold the  DURATION key until it 
scrolls to 0:15 minutes or press the 
key 15 times.

Step 3

Press WATER DAYS key once.

After 10 seconds, the timer LCD will 
now read ‘AUTO’, indicating the second 
program has been accepted.

Manual Operation. 

Anytime after installing batteries, the valve 
can be opened or closed using the manual

Press the MANUAL OPEN/CLOSE key to start
watering immediately.  Press the same key again
to stop.


If left in manual mode, the valve will

stay open for a period between 60 and 75 minutes
and then will automatically close. This manual
open time limit is designed as a safeguard that’s
intended to prevent flooding if the timer valve is
accidentally opened. When the valve closes, it
may be manually opened again, if desired.

Care and Maintenance. 

The following precautions should be taken:


Always keep top cover closed when keyboard
is not in use.


The timer may be used with water pressures
up to 100 psi.


Do not leave timer on the faucet or store it
outside during freezing weather.  Exposure to
temperatures below 32° F (0° C) may damage
the unit.


Units must not be submerged in water or used
with hot water over 100°F (38° C).


To ensure unit’s temperature remains below
100° F (38° C), do not expose it to direct
sunlight. We recommend the timer be used
only in shady areas.

Periods Not In Service. 


Look at the program record to reference time,
day and date entered. 


Programs may be reviewed by pressing the


If no watering is intended for long periods
(i.e., during the winter season), simply
unscrew the unit from the faucet and press 
the MANUAL OPEN key. In the spring, it is
recommended that the unit be reprogrammed
and new batteries inserted.

This timer is maintenance free.  Replace weak
batteries immediately when the timer starts
flashing on 5700 (and LOBAT appears in the
display panel on model 5750).  If the timer
should happen to fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing, repair should be
performed by an authorized customer service
agent for L.R. Nelson Corp. (1-800-489-4968)












5700 and 5750 Electronic Water Timer Instructions

Trouble Shooting Guide


Probable Cause


Improper or no display 

Wrong battery contacts 

1. Check for proper battery installation after reset 

2. Clean battery contacts and reapply Battery & 

Terminal Protection Compound

Display ERR after  

Programming errors due to 

Reset and reprogram

programming and 

incorrect data such as overlapping

continuous flash

cycles or no watering durations.

Flashes every 7-8 seconds and 

Batteries are weak

Replace batteries and reapply battery and LOBAT 

display shows LOBAT (5750 only)

Terminal Protection Compound

Turning on or off at 

Incorrect program

1. Double check the recorded time, 

unexpected times

day and date you started the program

2. Reset and reprogram

Not turning on or  -

Unit is not in AUTO mode

1. Make sure that the unit is in 

off automatically

AUTO mode

2. Double check programming data

Valve cannot be opened

No program entered

1. Make sure that the unit has 

manually been programmed

2. Check for proper battery installation

3. Clean battery contacts and reapply Battery & 

Terminal Protection Compound

Faucet connection leaks

Bad hose washer

Install a new washer. Check for worn threads

Display is dark or black

Unit is too hot 

Try to shade the unit or mount in cooler place

Battery life is short

Improper battery type

Replace batteries with alkaline type, reset and 
reprogram the unit

If you still have problems, call our toll-free number 1-800-498-4568 any weekday (except holidays) from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM central time.  
Be sure you have your unit when you call.


lea todas las instrucciones antes

de poner las pilas. No olvide conservar este
folleto para consultarlo en el futuro.

Si tiene preguntas referentes a su nuevo
regulador electrónico de agua, por favor, llame 
a nuestra  Línea especial de asistencia técnica: 
1-800-489-4568.  (Su llamada es gratuita.)

Importante información sobre

Este regulador no es para uso dentro 
de edificios.

Use solamente mangueras reforzadas con tela:
las mangueras dañadas o agrietadas se deben
cambiar; no se deben usar.

El regulador no se debe usar en hoyos
húmedos ni debajo de la superficie de la tierra.

Monte el regulador exclusivamente en 
posición vertical.

Revise las conexiones con regularidad, 
en cuanto a sellos apretados.

No se debe jalar la manguera, ya que 
se podrían dañar las conexiones y el

Al usarlo por primera vez, observe el 
progreso del programa durante una 
semana a fin de cerciorarse de que la unidad
funciona debidamente.

Antes de una ausencia prolongada, tal como
unas vacaciones, ponga pilas nuevas y haga
una prueba de su programa.

Al almacenarla, cerciórese de que la unidad
esté completamente vacía de agua y solo en 
un ambiente sin escarcha.  Saque las pilas.

Use exclusivamente pilas alcalinas, tamaño C.
No use pilas recargables.

Use solamente los accesorios originales.


estas unidades no son para 

uso en el interior, v.g., oficinas, apartamentos 
o casas, así como tampoco para operaciones 
de riego profesional.


desconecte el regulador del 

grifo en época de heladas.  Este producto es
exclusivamente para riego al aire libre.  No 
lo use con agua a más de 38°C (100°F) ni con
presiones de más de 689,5 kPa (100 psi).  Evite
tirar excesivamente de la manguera, ya que ello
podría provocar daños al regulador.

Mandos de funcionamiento

1. Conexión del agua

2. Compartimiento de pilas

3. Conector de manguera

4. Visualización para el Modelo 5750

5. Panel de control

6. Tecla DELAY para programar

7. Tecla DURATION para programar

8. Tecla WATER DAYS para programar



11. Tapa del empotramiento


Regulador electrónico de agua

5700 ó 5750

Conexión de agua

1,9 cm (3/4”)

Conexión de manguera

1,9 cm (3/4”)


306,18 g (10,8 onzas)

(sin pilas)

Ciclos de riego (abierto y cerrado)

1 por período de 24 horas para el 5700
2 por período de 24 horas para el 5700


2 alcalinas de 1,5 V


Tipo C

Número de días


VCL (visualizador 

Tamaño 3,55 cm x 1,02 cm

de cristal líquido) 

(1,4” x 0,4”)

5750 solamente

Espacio de la programación

1 a 3 días

Detección de pilas 

El regulador dejaráde 


funcionar cuando el voltaje 

de las pilas esté bajo.

Para poner y cambiar las pilas

Use solamente pilas      
alcalinas, tamaño C. No
use pilas recargables.

Antes de cambiar las
pilas, cierre el suministro de agua del
regulador en el grifo afuera de la casa, y luego
quítelo del grifo.

Abra el compartimiento de pilas y ponga las
pilas de acuerdo con las marcas que hay en 
el compartimiento.

Para cambiar las pilas:

Cuando se hayan

agotado las pilas de cualquiera de los dos
modelos, destellará el DEL del 5700 y lo indicará
el VCL del 5750.  En este momento el regulador
cerrará la válvula del agua y dejará de seguir las
precisas instrucciones de riego de Nelson.

Retraso automático:

Después de haber programado el primer ciclo de
riego, el regulador se retrasará por 10 segundos.
La visualización del regulador se despejará y
mostrará “Cycle 2”, (5750) indicando que se
aceptó el primer programa y que ahora se puede
programar el segundo ciclo.  El retraso
automático se repetirá después de que haya
programado el segundo ciclo.


Ya que el regulador está      
programado, es hora de
instalar la unidad en el


Sujetando la unidad de modo estable, atornille

el collar en el grifo hasta que esté apretado al
pulso.  NO use llaves ni tenazas.


Ponga una manguera de jardín en la conexión,
debajo de la unidad.  Cerciórese de que en el
adaptador de la manguera haya una arandela
en buenas condiciones.


Cerciórese de que la válvula del regulador esté
cerrada.  Abra el agua del grifo.  El regulador
regará automáticamente.

1. RESET (Reposición)

Mantenga oprimidas, al mismo

tiempo, las teclas DELAY y
WATER DAYS durante cuatro
segundos y luego, suéltelas.  

El visualizador del modelo 5750 mostrará
“PRGRM” y en el modelo 5700 se verá un
destello, indicando que la unidad



Oprima la tecla DELAY para

retrasar el tiempo de inicio por 
1 hora. Presionando la tecla cada

vez, podrá retrasar el inicio, de 1 a 20 horas, a 

partir de ese momento.  Nota:  esta unidad no
contiene reloj. El tiempo de inicio de riego se
establece desde el momento actual. 

Si excede el límite de 20 horas, el tiempo de
retraso volverá a ser de 1 hora, y el regulador
aceptará que   

seoprima la

tecla más veces.  


Oprima DURATION para establecer el
tiempo de riego.  En el modelo 5700, 
cada vez que oprima esa tecla,

aumentará la duración 15 minutos, por hasta 
4 horas. Cuando haga lo mismo en el modelo
5750, aumentará la duración 1 minuto, por hasta
30 minutos; y 15 minutos, desde los 30 minutos,
por hasta 4 horas.

Nota: tiene que oprimir esta tecla por lo menos
una vez para que haya un programa válido; de 
no ser así, el regulador destellará continuamente
o mostrará “ERR”.

Si excede el límite de 4 horas, el tiempo de
retraso volverá a ser de 15 minutos (5700) o de 
1 minuto (5750), y el regulador aceptará que se
oprima la     
tecla más


Si no oprime la tecla WATER

DAYS, el programa regará
solamente el día de hoy.  Si

oprime WATER DAYS una vez, el programa 
se llevará a cabo todos los días; si lo oprime 
dos veces, día por medio; y si lo oprime tres
veces, cada tres días.  El horario se repetirá
automáticamente hasta que usted cierre el 
grifo o se agoten las pilas.

Si se oprime la tecla WATER DAYS más de
tres veces, el regulador volverá a dar agua 
hoy solamente. Las veces que oprima
adicionalmente, se programarán del modo

antes explicado.       

5. “CYCLE 2” (“Ciclo 2”) 


(Aceptación del programa)

Espere 10 segundos después del último pulsado
de tecla. En el modelo 5700, destellará una luz
indicando que se aceptó el programa. En el
modelo 5750, la visualización del regulador
cambiará a “CYCLE 2”. Si no precisa un ciclo 
de riego adicional, espere 10 segundos y la
visualización cambiará a “AUTO”.

Para programar el ciclo dos, espere 10 segundos
después del último pulsado de tecla en el ciclo
uno. La visualización del regulador mostrará
“CYCLE 2”. Siga programando el segundo ciclo
como programó el primero.

Espere 10 segundos para que la unidad acepte
los datos del programa del ciclo dos. En cuanto
sean aceptados, verá la visualización cambiar 
a “AUTO”.

Si no programa el ciclo dos antes de que la
visualización “AUTO” aparezca (luego de un 
ciclo de programación), y decide que desearía
hacerlo, debe reposicionar el regulador y
comenzar de nuevo.

La visualización del regulador mostrará “ERR” 
si hubo algún error en la programación, tal como
disponer ciclos de riego superpuestos o si se
registraron instrucciones de duración para
cualquiera de los dos ciclos.

Regulador electrónico de agua Modelos 5700 y 5750












Summary of Contents for 5700

Page 1: ...your tim 4 hours from now For a to every other day All it take Step 1 Reset timer by pr WATER DAYS key for 4 seconds Step 2 Press DELAY key for each of the 4 delay time Step 3 Press DURATION each press add watering time On the 5750 hold until it scrolls to 0 key 31 times 1 5 2 9 3 11 4 6 7 8 10 5700 and 5750 Electronic Water Timer Instructions Trouble Shootin Problem Improper or no display Display...

Page 2: ...0 LCD will show it Timer will close the water valve and will no longer follow watering instructions Automatic Delay After you have completed programming your first watering cycle the timer will delay for a period of 10 seconds The timer display will clear and show Cycle 2 5750 only indicating that your first program has been accepted and the second cycle may now be programmed The automatic delay w...

Page 3: ...he faucet or until batteries are exhausted Pressing the WATER DAYS key more than three times will cause timer to rollover to water today only Additional presses will program as explained above 5 Cycle 2 and Program Acceptance Wait 10 seconds after the last key stroke On 5700 light will flash indicating program is accepted On 5750 timer display changes to CYCLE 2 If you do not need an additional wa...

Page 4: ...ery third day Sample Program Suppose you want your timer to start watering 4 hours from now For a total of 45 minutes every other day All it takes is 4 easy steps Step 1 Reset timer by pressing DELAY and WATER DAYS keys at the same time for 4 seconds Step 2 Press DELAY key 4 times once for each of the 4 hours of desired delay time Step 3 Press DURATION key 3 times each press adds 15 minutes of wat...

Page 5: ...ER DAYS key once After 10 seconds the timer LCD will now read AUTO indicating the second program has been accepted Manual Operation Anytime after installing batteries the valve can be opened or closed using the manual OPEN CLOSE key Press the MANUAL OPEN CLOSE key to start watering immediately Press the same key again to stop Important If left in manual mode the valve will stay open for a period b...

Page 6: ...reas Periods Not In Service 1 Look at the program record to reference time day and date entered 2 Programs may be reviewed by pressing the PROGRAM REVIEW key 3 If no watering is intended for long periods i e during the winter season simply unscrew the unit from the faucet and press the MANUAL OPEN key In the spring it is recommended that the unit be reprogrammed and new batteries inserted This tim...

Page 7: ... you started the program 2 Reset and reprogram Not turning on or Unit is not in AUTO mode 1 Make sure that the unit is in off automatically AUTO mode 2 Double check programming data Valve cannot be opened No program entered 1 Make sure that the unit has manually been programmed 2 Check for proper battery installation 3 Clean battery contacts and reapply Battery Terminal Protection Compound Faucet ...
