TRANSIT Ultimate | installation guide
The TRANSIT Ultimate features an USB interface for service and installation purposes. The USB connector (Type B) is
accessible behind the cover.
Note 1
While the USB interface is in use, the optional communication interface board is disabled.
Note 2:
While the USB cable is connected, it is not possible to read HID-PROX cards.
To fix this issue;
Disconnect the USB cable
Make sure the HID interface board is installed correctly
Restart the TRANSIT Ultimate (or press reset button)
Figure 15: USB connection
USB driver installation
Make sure your computer is connected with internet. Connect the TRANSIT reader to your computer via the USB cable.
The USB drivers may be installed automatically. In case you need to install the USB drivers manually, please go to the
and download the VCP (Virtual Com Port) drivers. After successful
installation of the USB drivers the reader will appear in the Windows device manager in "Ports (COM & LPT)" section