Booster | installation guide
Booster options
Operating mode
Select Booster operating mode. See available options below.
Booster (only Driver-ID)
Single ID operation. Up to 16 bytes of data from the personal ID card is read. The Vehicle-ID is omitted.
Combi-Booster (Vehicle-ID + Driver-ID)
Dual ID operation. Vehicle-ID combined with up to 11 bytes from the personal ID card.
Tacho-Booster (Vehicle-ID + Driver-ID + Tacho-Counter)
Vehicle-ID and Driver-ID combined with Tacho-Counter value. If this option is selected than automatically extended-
length is selected. See chapter 5 for more information about tacho booster function.
Active mode
Two activation modes are possible: Switched or Always-on.
The setting can only be changed when the Booster originally was in switched mode!
Switched mode is selected when the operating mode is Booster (only Driver-ID).
Switched mode (active for ± 5 seconds)
In switched mode the booster is active for approx. 5 seconds after the reading the inserted card (button is pushed).
Always-on (continuously active)
In always-on mode the booster remains active. When the booster's button is pushed the booster will read the inserted
card. If a card was identified, the booster will check every few minutes if the inserted card is still present.
Frame length
Extended length (default)
Select extended-length in order to support all transponder types and maximum amount of data. The identification
speed is a bit slower compared to applying standard-length.
Standard length (backwards compatible, faster identification)
Select standard-length in applications where compatibility with older types of transponders or where fast identification
is important.