(riGht side)
Step 1:
With your right hand, wrap
the band around the front of the
cap, continuing around the
back and hold out at a 90º angle.
Step 2:
Turn your head to the left,
feeling the stretch along the right side.
Ensure that you are holding the bands.
Do not hold the safety wrist loops.
Step 3:
For resistance, turn your
head to the right, slowly return back
to the left.
Step 1:
Position band on top of head.
Begin in Neutral Spine Position,
hands are resting at hips.
Step 2:
Lift head up and rotate to
the right while looking up and over
your shoulder, and hold.
Step 3:
Slowly return your head back
through the Neutral Spine Position
and look down at your left hand.
Repeat to the right as necessary.