The IEEE 1394 standard defines its interface as:
- requires no conversion of digital data into analogue, implying better signal
plug - allows a device to be added and removed without turning off or rebooting the
- supports multiple speeds.
- supports guaranteed delivery of time critical data, thus enabling high-quality audio
and video applications.
Digital Video
What is the Digital Video (DV) format?
Digital Video is the preferred file format for high quality video, usually captured via a digital
video camera. It is a super high-resolution format that exceeds the quality of S-VHS. The
images are crisp, bright and have excellent depth and contrast. The information is stored on
the video tape in digital form, so it can be copied over and over without any loss.
The DV standard defines all aspects of the so called "DV" or Digital Video camcorders, including
tape recording format and form factor, video compression algorithms and also digital data
What are the benefits of Digital Video?
A digital video camera actually puts professional video capabilities into the hands of just about
everyone. Transferring your video to your notebook is made extremely simple, as is the actual
editing of the video, thanks to specific software applications.