Using Features of US110 31
Edit ICA Connections
If you select an entry name for an ICA connection and click [Edit], you can view and configure the
connection entry on Edit Connection Details dialog box.
To add new ICA connections, click [Add] in the [Terminal Connection Manager]. Then, select
[Citrix ICA Client] in the New Connection dialog box.
Double clicking the connection entry name allows you to view
or configure the connection.
Figure 2-8 Edit ICA Connection - Selection of Server or Published Application
Setup each item according to the following guidelines.
Server or Published Application
Select the type of connection to which the settings apply. When you select the Server
option, specify the destination Citrix Presentation Server. When you select the Published
Application option, specify the application name.
The list box shows server names for Server option, or
application names for Published Application option.
Citrix Presentation Server or Published Application names in the list box are updated.