The caller line identification feature (when available) allows the phone number of
the incoming call to appear on the phone display. Contact your cellular service
provider for information on caller line identification.
With the phone in standby, an incoming call appears on the display as shown be-
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
2 : 2 0 p
P A G E 01
5 5 5 1 2 1 2
If the incoming call, also referred to as a page, is not answered, the caller line
identification information remains on the display. The displayed incoming phone
number can then be dialed by pressing SND or the information can be removed
from the display by pressing CLR.
If another incoming call is received before the previous incoming call information
has been cleared from the display, the new incoming call information appears as
shown below.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
2 : 2 5 p
P A G E 0 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As incoming calls are received, the call/page indicator increases up to a maximum
of 10. If more than 10 incoming calls are received before any information is cleared
from the display, all new incoming calls are indicated as PAGE 10. If the phone is
powered off before the caller line information is viewed and cleared, the latest in-
coming call information is again displayed when the phone is powered on.
With a call in progress, an incoming call/page is also indicated on the phone dis-
play. The IN USE indicator, displayed when a call is in progress, is replaced with the
caller line identification information. The caller line identification information can be
cleared from the screen by pressing CLR; the IN USE indicator is then redisplayed
for the current call in progress. The call in progress can be terminated by pressing
END and the displayed incoming call/page then dialed by pressing SND.
The last 10 incoming caller identfication numbers can be viewed by accessing the
the message register as described below.
The message register stores up to the 10 latest caller line identification messages
for viewing. Once there are 10 messages in the register, the oldest message is
discarded as a new message is received.
To view the caller messages stored in the message register:
1) Press and hold RCL to access the call time stamp register.
1 1 : 2 1 a M o n
0 1] 0 0 m 0 8 s
R e c e i v i n g
Incoming Call Phone Number
Time of Incoming Call
Incoming Call Phone Number
Time of Incoming Call/Page
Indicates Second Incoming
Call/Page Received