Chapter 2 Message List
iSMprfctl 030: Specified Logical Disk is invalid
The specification of the logical disk to be moved is invalid.
if the specified logical disk exists in the specified disk array.
if the specified logical disk is defined as a work disk for optimization.
if the specified logical disk is defined as a cache resident disk.
Review the specification of the logical disk to be moved, and then re-execute the
iSMprfctl 031: Specified Optimization Work Disk
is invalid
The specification of the work disk for optimization is invalid.
if the specified work disk for optimization exists in the specified disk array.
if the attributes of the specified work disk for optimization are correct.
if the specified work disk for optimization is defined as a cache resident disk.
Review the specification of the work disk for optimization, and then re-execute
the command.
iSMprfctl 032: Disk Capacity is different
The logical disk to be moved and the work disk for optimization have a different
capacity, and the logical disk cannot be moved.
Review the specification of the logical disk to be moved and the work disk for
optimization, and then re-execute the command.