Platinum SigmaBlade Warranty Program
NEC Corporatio n o f America, “NECAM”, o ffers o ne o f the
stro ngest warranty programs in the ind ustry. This document
will focus on the Platinum NECCare Warranty Program for
Express5800 SigmaB lade Servers.
Warranty Registration
For efficient service, register yo ur system o nline at:
Upon receip t o f the registratio n informatio n o f yo ur ne w NEC
product yo u will be entitled to utilize NEC’s o nline Self-
Support web site. Yo u will find such informatio n as; prod uct
updates, specific warranty co verage for yo ur product or you
can initiate technical sup port for yo ur q uestio ns all fro m o ne
Program Highlights
NEC Corporatio n o f America’s Platinum NECCare Warranty
Program o ffers yo u the fo llo wing b enefits:
3-Years o f Platinum Warranty co verage
3-Years o f 4 -Ho ur, Same-day Onsite Rep air .
An authorized service technician will be o n-site at
the Custo mer the Same Day within 4 -ho urs o nce a
service call is d eemed necessary and fo llo wing
troub le-shoo ting efforts b etween the Custo mer and
Replacement parts will also arrive within 4 -ho urs of
problem diagno sis. Sp are parts will be stored at a
NECAM authorized stocking locatio n within a 50 -
mile rad ius o f the custo mer installatio n address
Toll-free hard ware technical support 24 x7x365 in the
continental US and Canad a.
24x7 Email Alert Mo nitoring
NEC Service Management so ftware is enabled and
configured to mo nitor fatal and reco verable
hard ware errors resulting in Email notificatio ns to
the systems ad ministrator and NECAM Technical
NECAM will use commercially reasonable best efforts to provide 4-hour on-site service. NECAM is not responsible for service calls
missed outside the control of NECAM. If your location is outside of a NECAM authorized service coverage area, the response time
may be longer and/or an additional travel charge may be assessed. In some cases, on-site service may not be available. All service
response times are contingent upon parts availability.
Customer must be able to sign and receive parts as requested by NEC to
meet 4-Hour, Same-day Service.